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Camera SDK

A C/C++ interface to OptiTrack cameras and supporting hardware, for control of and access to raw camera frames, image processing modes, camera settings, 2D object data, and camera synchronization. Learn More ➝

Camera SDK screenshot

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Tech Specs

Simple C++ Integration

A C++ interface for development replaces the previous OptiTrack SDK’s COM interface for greater ease of integration with a variety of software languages and frameworks.

Camera Control

Extensive access to camera functions, methods, callbacks and properties for complete control of your vision system, including:

  • Video mode (object, segment, precision, raw grayscale, MJPEG)
  • Frame rate w/ frame decimation control
  • Exposure w/ automatic exposure control
  • Automatic gain control
  • Hardware masking
  • Image size windowing
  • Threshold
  • Illumination
  • Filter Switcher
  • High Power Mode (Flex 13 and V100:R2/Flex 3 only)
  • Status LED control

Object Data

2D object data for up to 512 objects in the camera’s view can be extracted for tracking and filtering purposes. Available information includes:

  • Location (weighted X,Y coordinates)
  • Area
  • Width/Height
  • Roundness
  • Ability to remove lens distortion effects

6DoF Vector Tracking

The Camera SDK includes basic vector tracking for both the TrackClip and TrackClip PRO, providing 6DoF output. Vector is a proprietary technology developed by NaturalPoint for 6DoF tracking using three markers and a single camera.

Multi-Camera Synchronization

Multiple cameras can be synchronized to fire their shutters and expose frames at the same time. Instead of fetching frames from individual cameras, groups can be created to both fetch synchronized frames and confirm that cameras within the group are properly synchronized.

Sample Applications with Source Code

Source code and documentation for sample applications are included to demonstrate best practices and provide starting points for using the SDK. Sample apps include:

  • Camera List
  • Frame Synchronization
  • Image Processing
  • MJPEG Viewer
  • Segment Mode
  • Vector Tracking


Frequently asked questions about motion capture, system setup and licensing.

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Activate My License Help

Re-submitting your registration information will:

  • Update your e-mail address
  • Re-send files to your e-mail address

Use a device serial number from a Hardware Key.

Software licenses can only be activated once.

Your license cannot be transferred to a different serial number once activated.

For more information, please see the Licensing & Activation FAQ.

Check My License Help

What happens when my license expires and updates are not purchased?

  • The customer will no longer have access to updates or new releases of the software.
  • The version of the software for which the customer's license was originally valid will continue to work.

For more information, please see the Licensing & Activation FAQ.