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A client-server data streaming protocol for connecting to OptiTrack's r eal-time stream of reconstructed 3D points, rigid bodies (definitions and position/orientation), and skeletal data (definitions and joint angles). Compatible with Motive, Expression, Arena, and Tracking Tools. Learn More ➝
Native C++ networking library [headers, static library (.lib) and dynamic import library (.lib/.dll)]
Managed .NET assembly (NatNetML.dll) for use in .NET compatible clients.
Sample projects and executables designed to be quickly integrated into your own code.
.NET interface and sample program (MatNet.m) for live streaming markers, rigid bodies, or skeletons. The MatNet sample program works directly with MATLAB core, requiring no additional MATLAB modules.
A class for communicating with a NatNet Server such as Motive, Arena or Tracking Tools.
A class for implementing a NatNet server and sending NatNet formatted data packets. Useful for testing your NatNet integration without access to OptiTrack motion capture software.
Structures encapsulating data encoded in NatNet packets.
A managed (.NET) class library that can be called by .NET components. The NatNet assembly wraps the underlying native NatNet library, exposing the NatNetClient and NatNet Data Types for use in .NET compatible environments (e.g. VB.NET, C#, MatLab).
A named collection of identified markers and their positions (X,Y,Z).
A named segment with a unique ID, position, and orientation data, and the collection of identified markers used to define it.
A named, hierarchical collection of rigid bodies.
Re-submitting your registration information will:
Use a device serial number from a Hardware Key.
Software licenses can only be activated once.
Your license cannot be transferred to a different serial number once activated.
For more information, please see the Licensing & Activation FAQ.
What happens when my license expires and updates are not purchased?
For more information, please see the Licensing & Activation FAQ.